a short and easy to follow description of why we need improved Medicare for All.

An American couple talks about a system that will deliver better health care for less money. Laverne Carrie Madsen Harvey Ned Goldreyer Writer/Director Monte...

the freedom that we would gain with improved Medicare for All

PNHP Oregon Join Us

What is Medicare for All?

There are two current bills in Congress, H.R. 1384 (Rep. Jayapal’s bill in the House) and S. 1129 (Sen. Sanders’ bill). H.R. 1384 is a better bill, but for the level of detail of this video, they are essentially the same.

From Roosevelt's attempt to create a New Deal national health insurance program, to the Trump administration's repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate-the...

___________________________________________________John Oliver does a good and humorous job of explaining Medicare for All, if you are OK with a bit of profanity.


The Fixit website, with movies produced by Richard Master, has a number of videos of interest.

Fix It: Health Care at the Tipping Point - Fix It takes a hard look at how our dysfunctional healthcare system negatively impacts on the nation's health, discourages physicians and hurts the bottom line of our businesses and national economy. Fix It proposes a common sense solution to the out-of-control cost, while ensuring full access to quality healthcare for every American.

Big Pharma: Market Failure - This documentary makes an effective business case for realizable change. It digs deep to answer key questions. How much do pharma companies really spend on research and development of truly innovative drugs? Do "free market" principles impact on drug prices and help control cost? Do the normal rules of business apply to the pharma industry? How do TV ads impact consumers and doctors?

The Politics of Race and Medicare for All - From Healthcare Now

Racism's Role in the Creation of America's Healthcare System

The Truth About Medicare for All, With Michael Lighty and others

There are a lot of lies peddled by the insurance and drug industries about Medicare for All. Don't believe them. Here is the truth: Medicare for All will sav...

Medicare for All is not a new or a radical idea. This country has seen efforts towards something like it for more than a century. What is radical is a country as wealthy as the U.S. not having universal healthcare.

From Roosevelt's attempt to create a New Deal national health insurance program, to the Trump administration's repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate-the...

For those interested in more wonky videos

Here is a link to the videos from the 7th Annual Global Health Economics Colloquium titled Medicare for All: How to do it Right. Held on January 24, 2020 at UC Berkeley


Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) has links to a number of videos on its YouTube channel:


___________________________________________________Samantha Bee debunks anti-single payer myths.


Big Money Agenda: Democracy on the Brink - The movie explores why, Americans are sicker than they should be, poorer than they ought to be, and less safe than they deserve to be. This documentary explores the effects of money in politics, dark money, the revolving door as well as common sense solutions that will get our democracy back on track

Canadian Healthcare: Debunking the Myths -